About me:

I'm a programmer, manager and ScrumMaster.

I started my career as a UNIX systems programmer. I've been paid to program in C, Perl, Java, JavaScript, Tcl, PHP, Python and Ruby. My current focus is on developing services, APIs and data management systems in support of Web and mobile applications.

At this point in my career, I can't imagine doing anything but agile software development.

My areas of expertise include:

  • Requirements analysis
  • Data modeling
  • Software development best practices
  • Web application development
  • Managing programming teams and projects
  • Extreme Programming and Scrum

Some of the things I've helped create:

  • The Ingres relational database management system (PostgreSQL's predecessor)
  • The Perforce software configuration management system
  • VxWorks, the real-time operating system that powers the Mars Rover and SpaceX Dragon
  • The Ford Motor Company's first Web site
  • Paul Verhoeven's Starship Troopers
  • Gracenote MusicID®—where iTunes gets its information about albums, artists and songs
  • Betfair, Europe's largest online sports betting site
  • The manufacturing system used to make Reebok shoes to your specifications

I have extensive experience with:

  • Object-oriented design
  • Software testing and quality assurance
  • Software portability
  • Configuration management
  • Process automation
  • Framework design and development
  • Domain-specific language design
  • Client-server programming
  • *nix systems administration
  • Software evaluation and procurement
  • Technical documentation and training


I'm currently a Software Engineering Lead at Elsevier.